Sunday, September 2, 2007

Billy Bob Neck in 08? Ya the Jack Ass of the Week!

here is just a few small out takes from his web site:

"A month or so ago, God spoke to my from a framed portrait of Ronald Reagan we keep on our Bible table, saying, “Verily, Billy Bob, you shall be the next president of the United States of America."

Now he is just waked out if he thinks GOD would talk to him from a Ronny Reagan portrait!

"Mr. Neck started writing songs as soon as he could sing. He wrote his first song, “Hippies (Let ‘em Burn)” in 1972. It was picked up by some political campaigns down South but his parents felt it unseemly for him to appear on a stage. He was then sent to a boy’s Christian academy in Guatemala where songwriting was discouraged."

And we THANK GOD for this!

"In the mid-80’s Mr. Neck seemingly disappeared. It was rumored that he had “gone liberal” or became an alcoholic. "

well we all know he is no liberal, but an alcoholic he may just be!

" After his parents died in 2003, Mr. Neck began to write songs again. His first new song, “Liberals (Let ‘em Burn)” caught the ear of some political campaigns down South and he began to perform them. 2003 also brought word from God that Mr. Neck should move to “Sodomy Central” or Boston, Ma. Once there, he began to perform live and gained a reputation as a straight-shooting liberal hater."

There ya go, the word I knew was coming! HATE!

"Mr. Neck is married with two children who he prefers to keep out of the public spotlight."

I am sure they mean to say he married his sister because no man in his straight mind would live a life like this guy!

Well the fact is, Billy Bob Neck is a comedian and only has this site up to get his material for his act.

So yes he is the Jack Ass of the Week!

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